Share-PSI 2.0 Berlin Workshop - Maximising interoperability — core vocabularies, location-aware data and more
Share-PSI 2.0 network organizes a workshop that address the topic of interoperability, vocabularies and location-aware data. This is last of the Share-PSI 2.0 workshops and it takes place on 25th and 26st November 2015. It is hosted by Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (Fraunhofer FOKUS).
Share-PSI 2.0 Krems Workshop - A self sustaining business model for open data
Share-PSI 2.0 network organizes a workshop that address the topic of self sustaining business models for open data. This workshop takes place on 20th and 21st May 2015. It is hosted by the Danube University Krems, Centre for E-Governance and it is collocated with the CeDEM 2015 Conference.
Share-PSI 2.0 Timişoara Workshop - Open Data Priorities and Engagement
Share-PSI 2.0 network organizes a workshop "Open Data Priorities and Engagement." This workshop takes place on 16th and 17th March 2015 and it is hosted by the West University of Timişoara Blvd. V. Parvan 4, Timisoara 300223, Timis, Romania.
The workshop is open to anyone interested in Open Data, however the participants are required to submit a session proposals or plenary paper by 1 February 2015.
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whatshotShare-PSI 2.0 Lisbon Workshop - Encouraging open data usage by commercial developers
Share-PSI 2.0 network organizes a workshop "Encouraging open data usage by commercial developers." This workshop takes place on 3rd and 4th December 2014, in National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal. The workshop is open to anyone interested in Open Data, however the participants are required to submit a short position paper by 12 October 2014.
whatshotSamos Workshop - Uses of Open Data Within Government for Innovation and Efficiency
Share-PSI 2.0 network organizes a workshop "Uses of Open Data Within Government for Innovation and Efficiency." This workshop is hosted by the University of the Aegean on the island of Samos, Greece, and in conjunction with the 5th Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance, 30 June to 1 July, 2014. The workshop is open to anyone interested in Open Data, however the participants are required to submit a short position paper by 13 April 2014.
whatshotNew European project
Since October 1st, 2013 we cooperate with our colleagues from Slovakia, Italy and Netherlands on a research project COMSODE financed by the European Union. The goal of the project is to develop software components and methodologies which will make publication and consumption of open data easier. Within the project we will cooperate with several institutions in EU countries and we will publish their data as open. We will try to cleanse and link the data so that their exploitation is as easy as possible. The project has started recently, news will appear at the project web site.