Samos Workshop - Uses of Open Data Within Government for Innovation and Efficiency
Share-PSI 2.0 network organizes a workshop "Uses of Open Data Within Government for Innovation and Efficiency." This workshop is hosted by the University of the Aegean on the island of Samos, Greece, and in conjunction with the 5th Samos Summit on ICT-enabled Governance, 30 June to 1 July, 2014.
The workshop is open to anyone interested in Open Data, however the participants are required to submit a short position paper by 13 April 2014.
Topics include, but are not limited to:
- uses of open data within government for innovation and efficiency proving the value of open data within the public sector;
- improvement in public service delivery;
- examples of open data utilisation for policy making purposes;
- visionary ideas on open data utilisation within society and policy modelling;
- new approaches for public sector information processing and visualisation;
- open data and citizen participation in information gathering / crowdsourcing;
- the open data feedback loop — communication between organizations that publish data and users of the data;
- collaboration between different communities.
You can read the full call for participation on the Samos Workshop website.
Share-PSI 2.0 is the European network for the exchange of experience and ideas around implementing open data policies in the public sector. It brings together government departments, standards bodies, academic institutions, commercial organisations, trade associations and interest groups to identify what does and doesn't work, what is and isn't practical, what can and can't be expected of different stakeholders. The impetus for the Share PSI 2.0 Thematic Network is the revised European Directive on the Public Sector Information. The main activity of the network is to organise a series of workshops examining different aspects of PSI. In each workshop, the network partners with direct experience will present their case studies. The output of the workshops will be offered as input to the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group.
Share-PSI 2.0 is co-funded by the European Commission under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme; Agreement no. 621012.
For more information please visit the Share-PSI 2.0 website.